2010-2020: Evolution of the
Longevity Industry
from Zero to 1.0
The Industrialization of Longevity
The Current State of Longevity Science, Business, Finance, and Practical Applications
Longevity Becomes National Priority Item for the Strategic Agenda of Progressive Governments
Transforming the Challenge and Deficit of Aging into the Opportunity and Asset of Longevity
Defining and De-Risking: Hype vs. Reality
Health as New Wealth. Longevity FinTech, WealthTech and the Coming Rise of Longevity Banks, Investment Banks, Stock Exchanges, ETFs, Indices and Novel Financial Instruments and Derivatives
Engineered InvestTech and FinTech Solutions to Bridge the Big Liquidity Gap
Longevity Futures, Shorting, Exchange Traded Funds and Technology Marketplaces
Longevity Stock Exchange, Investment Bank, Index Fund and Financial Derivatives
Financial Futurism: Derivatives Tied to National Healthcare Systems, Pension Systems, National Healthy Longevity & Longevity Economies
About the Book:
Introducing Longevity Financial Industry
Defining the Longevity Financial Industry
What is Longevity Finance?
Major Financial Corporations Re-Tuning their Business Models to Neutralize the Risk of Ageing Population and Capture the Opportunity of Healthy Longevity
The Need for Longevity Finance: Health as the New Wealth (Where Healthspan Meets Weathspan)
Longevity Finance Big Data Analytical Dashboard
Top Longevity Challenges and Opportunities for Financial Corporations
The Present State of the Longevity Financial Industry (2023)
The Rise of Longevity Finance at the Intersection of Population Ageing vs. Longevity
The State of Global Longevity Finance in 2023
Longevity Finance Benchmarking: Top Longevity Financial Corporations in 2023
Longevity FinTech Benchmarking: Top Longevity FinTech Companies in 2023
Longevity Banking Card (Integrated AgeTech/HealthTech/WealthTech Solution)
Biomarkers of Human Longevity as Catalyst for Investment De-Risking, Reliable Clinical Forecasting, and Tangible Metrics for Company Valuation and Due Diligence
The Big Longevity Liquidity Gap
Longevity Investment Digest
The Near Future of Longevity Finance (2024-2030)
Forecast on the Near Future of Longevity Finance: 2024-2025
Longevity Investment Bank
The Next 5 Years Will Determine the Fate of Financial Corporations at the Intersection of Ageing Population vs. Health Human Longevity
Longevity Banking: the 1+ Trillion Opportunity of 1 Billion People in Retirement
Longevity Innovation Marketplace
Longevity Stock Exchange
Longevity Exchange Traded Funds
Longevity Financial Instruments and Derivatives 1.0 (2024-2025)
The Future of Longevity Finance (2025 - 2030)
Longevity Financial Instruments and Derivatives 2.0 (2025-2030)
The Paradigm Shift From National Economies to National Longevity Economies
Longevity Financial Industry as the Key Mechanism for Securing the Future of Longevity Industrialization (and the Stability of National Economies)
The Concept of the Longevity Finance Valley: Global Benchmarking of Top Contenders to Create the First Municipal Longevity Finance Hub by 2025
The Evolution of the Longevity Finance State: Global Benchmarking of Top Contenders to Create the First National Longevity Finance Hub by 2030
Forecast on the Deep Future of Longevity Finance: 2025-2030
Only Longevity Finance Can Secure the Health & Wealth
About the Book: Longevity Financial Industry
In “Longevity Industry 1.0 - Defining the Biggest and Most Complex Industry in Human History”, we distilled the complex assembly of deep market intelligence and industry knowledge that Deep Knowledge Group has developed over the past 8 years into a full-scope understanding of the global Longevity Industry, showing the public exactly how the international consortium of commercial and non-profit entities managed to define the overwhelmingly complex and multidimensional Longevity Industry for the first time, and how they created tangible framework for its systematization and forecasting. One of that book’s four major parts was devoted to the recent rise, present state and near future of the Longevity Financial Industry.
Now, as the pace of innovation and diversification in Longevity Finance continues to grow, with increasing numbers of Financial Corporations on-boarding the topic of Longevity, the time has come for a full book dedicated to this topic. In “Longevity Financial Industry: Health as New Wealth, Engineered Solutions to Bridge the Longevity Liquidity Gap, and the Rise of Longevity Investment Banks, Stock Exchanges and Financial Instruments”, Deep Knowledge Group General Partner Dmitry Kaminskiy charts the near and far future of Longevity Finance, charting the emerging paradigm of Health as New Wealth and the increasing need for weathspan extension to match the pace of increasing healthspans, forecasting the rise of Longevity-focused Retail Banks, Investment Banks, Stock Exchanges, ETFs, Technology Marketplaces and Modern Financial Instruments and Derivatives, and offering a glimpse at Deep Knowledge Group’s blueprint for modern, engineered InvestTech solutions to bridge the Big Longevity Liquidity Gap.

Longevity Financial Industry -
Foreword by Dmitry Kaminskiy
In our 2020 book, ‘Longevity Industry 1.0: Defining the Biggest and Most Complex Industry in Human History’, we distilled the complex assembly of deep market intelligence and industry knowledge that Deep Knowledge Group and its Longevity-focused subsidiaries (including Longevity.Capital and Aging Analytics Agency) have developed over the past 7 years into a full-scope understanding of the global Longevity Industry.
One of the four sections of that book was dedicated to the topic of Longevity Finance, charting the ways in which increasing numbers of Financial Corporations are re-tuning their business models to neutralize the challenge of ageing population and leverage the growth potential and opportunity of Longevity. Now, in 2023, given the unrecognized importance of this sector to the health and stability of the Global Longevity Industry as a whole, the time has come to devote an entire topic of the present state and near-future of this rapidly evolving sector.
While the majority of practical outcomes in healthy human longevity will be driven by precision health technologies, they will also require an assembly of other, non-biomedical components, including financial products and services such as InsurTech, AgeTech, HealthTech, and WealthTech. Progressive financial corporations are already onboarding the topic of longevity in significant ways. Meanwhile, increasing numbers of HWNIs and members of the global investment community are embracing the emerging paradigm of Health as New Wealth, and recognizing Health as the Most Precious Asset; in 2018 UBS bank conducted a survey among its HNW clients and found that 50% planned to live past the age of 100 years. It stands to reason that such clients will require a far longer horizon of financial planning and specifically designed financial products.
Against this backdrop of activities, the continued positive trajectory of growth and stability of Global Longevity Industrialization faces a major bottleneck and risk factor: Longevity start-ups require increasingly large levels of funding to move forward, and appetite for exposure to Longevity among both individual and institutional members of the convervative investment community continues to mount, but an extreme lack of innovation in the technologies, institutions, and instruments used to direct and manage Longevity investment and financial activities has created a critical Big Gap preventing the two sides of the Longevity Liquidity equation from being bridged.
Having been actively conducting market intelligence in this space for several years, and having originally coined the term Longevity Financial Industry in 2017, Deep Knowledge Group has been systematically applying its DeepTech Engineering mindset to this issue, developing and designing the blueprint of frameworks, institutional structures, technologies and financial innovations required to bridge this big gap and achieve a massive acceleration in the rate of Longevity Industrialization. Now, for the first time, we are unveiling parts of this blueprint to the larger investment and finance communities, outlining the major challenges and opportunities in this space for Investment Banks, Insurance Companies, Pension Funds, Asset Management Firms and Retail Banks, and forecasting the rise of Longevity-focused Investment Banks, Stock Exchanges, ETFs, Technology Marketplaces and Modern Financial Instruments and Derivatives, and offering a glimpse at Deep Knowledge Group’s ongoing work to create, validate and deploy the exact modern DeepTech tools and engineered solutions needed to unleash the Future of Longevity Finance years ahead of schedule.
PART I: Defining the Longevity Financial Industry

What is Longevity Finance?
Major Financial Corporations (Insurance Companies, Pension Funds, Asset Management Firms, etc) Beginning to On-Board Topic of Longevity
The Need for Longevity Finance: Health as the New Wealth (Where Healthspan Meets Weathspan)
Longevity Finance Big Data Analytical Dashboard
Longevity Industry: Multi-trillion Dollar Opportunity